Prayer Rock
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"Dedicated to the memory of Jack Hyde"

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask that you be with these friends as they undergo their surgeries.
Please guide their surgeons hands.
Send Your healing power to their bodies, that they may have a speedy recovery.
It is in Jesus name that I ask this, Amen."

NEW PRAYER LIST (from August 1998)

MAY 1997

May 5..... Jack Hyde


September 2........Linda A
September 3.........Bob M
September 8.........Ardis
September 8........Martin
September 9.........Stacey
September 10........Wayne B
September 12........Joe W
September 15........Brenda
September 15........Jim S
September 15........Phoebe
September 15........ Nardia
September 16........ Joe Barton, Linda's Dad (AAA surgery) Not Hip!
September 16........Barb
September 17........Denise
September 22.......Marie's Mother
September 25........Joy L
September 25........Robert T


October 1........ Barbara J
October 2........Polly
October 3.........Simon
October 7.........Greg
October 8........Gloria B
October 13........Jeff
October 14........Jean L
October 14.........Joyce's son
October 14........Cathy K
October 15........Francois
October 16........Cathleen
October 20........ Mary
October 20........Rosie W
October 20.......Lance
October 21........Carol P
October 27........Carolyn
October 29........ Carol A
October 30........Grace
October 30........Becky M


November 3........Lisa
November 4.........Cory
November 5........Soulard
November 10........Dan R
November 10........Harvey M
November 10........Todd G (shoulder)
November 10,,,,,,,,Jeff N
November 13.........Roger
November 13........Judy
November 19........John D
November 20........Dianne
November 24........Chris T


December 1........Nancy
December 1........Helen F
December 2........Dibbie F
December 3........Mark
December 4........Nola J
December 5........Karen H (core decompression)
December 8........Rita
December 10........Ron N
December 10........Kate R.
December 11........Dan K
December 11........Patty
December 15........Colleen
December 17........Michael M
December 18........Shelly
December 22........Raymond N
December 23........Linda's 49th!
December 28........Joan W


January 5........Ted B
January 6........Mary O
January 7........Arlene
January 8........Dave L
January 9........Pat P
January 13.......Cathy K
January 13.......Mrs. Feasley
January 19.......Todd G
January 20.......Lisa C
January 20........Mary L.
January 22........Lydia
January 22........Cynthia B
January 22........Michael (in Nashville)
January 23........Joleen W
January 27........Sharron N
January 29........Mary E.


February 2........Jeannine
February 3........Jackie C
February 4........Pam
February 5........Victoria P
February 11........Frank C
February 11........Carmen A
February 23........Chip
February 27........Ron

MARCH 1998

March 2........Linda S.
March 2........Mary
March 3........Jen Morenzoni
March 5........Katie O
March 6........Linda Petrucelli
March 9........Betty
March 16........Alyce
March 16........Bridgit
March 16........Larry
March 18........Jo Hayes
March 18........Robert Moeller
March 18........Maureen
March 20........Linda Bowser, other surgery
March 23........Nancy S
March 23........Sandy C
March 24........Nancy W
March 26........Margie
March 30........Barbara, (fvfg)

APRIL 1998

April 2........Jack W
April 3........Nancy H
April 7........Carol Fiddler
April 8........Greg I
April 8........Bryan Smith
April 8........Carol E
April 10........F R
April 13........Ellen
April 14........Annette
April 15........Linda D
April 17.......Renette
April 20........Chuck
April 23........Stacy, knee
April 23........Jan O
April 28........Marilyn
April 28........Lynn F
April 28.......Bruno
April 29.......Joyce C
April 30........Doug B, biopsy

MAY 1998

May 1........Misty
May 1........Rick R
May 5........Kathy S
May 7........Sharon S. D
May 11........KJF
May 11........Sena L
May 12........Harvey
May 12........Judith Christiana
May 13........Thomas P
May 14........Troy
May 14........Kay
May 15........Buster
May 18........Al R
May 18........Paula S
May 19........Marueen V
May 26........Marge
May 26........Barb K
May 26........Max K
May 29........Bruce J

JUNE 1998

June 1........Wayne B
June 2........Lucy
June 4........Louise G
June 8........Donna C
June 8........Norma G.'s mother
June 8........Theresa P
June 9........Polly (eye surgery)
June 9........Susie
June 10........Helen P
June 10 ........Peggy
June 10........Betty E
June 12........G. Kane
June 13........Lizz B Wedding Day!
June 15........Vicki C
June 16........Wally
June 18........Shannon S
June 19........Andy H
June 22........Lucille M
June 23........Jan O
June 25........Doug B (hernia surgery)
June 29........Marlyn

JULY 1998

July 8........Theresa P
July 15........Rebecca R
July 21........Rocky
July 28........Charlotte


August 21........Nancy H
August 24........Barbara B

(from August 1998 to present)

"Ask, and ye shall receive. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door will be opened."
(Holy Bible)


Computer Prayer

Every night I lie in bed
This little prayer inside my head...
God (or Goddess) bless my mom and daddy
And bless my little boys
And take care of my husband
He brings me so much joy.
And God there's just one more thing
I wish that You would do,
If You don't mind me asking,
To just bless my 'puter too??
Now, I know that it's not normal
To bless a small machine
But listen just a second
And I'll try to explain...
You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds and ends.
Inside those small components
Rest a hundred loving friends.
Some, it's true, I've never seen
And most I've never met;
We've never shaken hands
Or ever truly hugged, and yet,
I know for sure they love me
By the kindness' they give,
And this little scrap of metal
Is how I get to where they live
By faith is how I know them,
Much the same as I know you,
I share in what life brings them
So if it's OK with you..
Just take an extra minute
From Your duties up above
To bless this little hunk of steel
That's filled with so much love.

Author unknown


by: Verna Thomas, McGehee, Arkansas

I carry a Cross in my pocket
A simple reminder to me
Of the fact that I am a Christian
No matter where I may be.

This little Cross is not magic
Nor is it a good luck charm
It isn't meant to protect me
From every physical harm

It's not for identification
For all the world to see
It simply is an understanding
Between my Savior and me

When I put my hand in my pocket
To bring out a coin or key
The Cross is there to remind me
Of the price He paid for me

It reminds me too, to be thankful
For my blessings day by day
And to strive to serve Him better
In all that I do and say

It's also a daily reminder
Of the peace and comfort I share
With all who know my Master
And give themselves to His care

So, I carry a Cross in my pocket
Reminding me, no one but me
That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
If only I'll let Him be.

Prayer Rock

I'm your little prayer rock
and this is what I'll do
Just put me on your pillow
'till the day is through
Then turn back the covers
and climb into your bed
And WHACK? your lil' prayer rock
will hit you in the head

Then you will remember
as the day is through
To kneel and say your prayers
as you know you should do

Then when you are finished
just dump me on the floor
I'll stay there at nighttime
to give you help once more
When you get up next mornin'
CLUNK! You'll stub your toe
So you will remember
your morning prayers fore you go

Put me back upon your pillow
when your bed is made
And your clever little prayer rock
will continue in your aid
Because your heavenly Father
cares and loves you so
He wants you to remember
to talk to Him, ya know.

Author Unknown

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