My name is Meredith B from Marlin, New Jersey. I'm only 24 years old and I was just surfing the web and found your site. The reason why I was looking for web sites regarding hip replacements is that I had both of my hips replaced in 1996 due to a disease called Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have had this disease since I was 4 years old. It never really bothered me (except for my knee). Basically to sum it up in June of 1996 I was experiencing some slight pain in both of my hips. I went to my rheumatologist and he sent me to an Orthopedic surgeon in Philadelphia. Dr. Arnold Berman, my orthopedic surgeon basically told that my cartilage in my hips was deteriorated, and that I need both of my hips replaced within 6 months or I will not be able to walk. So November of 1996 my left hip was done (6 hours surgery and 3 recovery) and then December of 1996 my right hip was done (5 hour surgery and 2 hour recovery). So after extensive Physical therapy, all kinds of devices I had to purchase to help me prevent from doing anything that would make me bend over 90 degrees, 2 months in bed and LOTS of courage I'm walking better than I ever have. For someone who loves to dance, I can dance better than I ever have. I just wanted to drop you a note that getting both of my hips replaced at 20 years old, was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. Do you know I'm doing so much better now that I sometimes forget that I even had it done!!! I attached a picture of me, so you can tell how much happier I am now! Thanks for your time to read this.
Sincerely, |
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