Early this year I discovered your website
while searching for information on my bad hip. it has been a
wealth of information and personal experiences for me and really helped
me realize that even at 45 years of age, I better DO something about it!
although my local doctors had told me I was
too young for a hip replacement, I finally found a doctor 3 hours away
that disagreed. I had my surgery on 14 august and although I know
the full results won't be enjoyed for a while I am recovering very
since I am an avid horseback rider that has
been a big concern. my doctor recommended the new DePuy
metal/metal 36mm hip for me - good strength and good rom.
for excitement the other day, I took a
picture of my scar - 2 weeks post op (amazing what us recovering hippies
find exciting!). anyway, please feel free to add it to your
thanks again for starting something so
Leslie aka horsegirl