You could be dancing too!
Jean H and husband Charles, of England,
square dancing just one year after Jean's THR surgery!
She is living proof, that there is life
after THR.
Here is a copy of the exercises that my physical therapist okayed for me
after my surgery. The exercises are really simple, but PLEASE CALL YOUR DOCTOR
From my pt patient sheet I was given at the hospital do the following exercises 2-3
times per day, 2-3 sets of 10 each exercise:
- Do each exercise slowly and smoothly; do not hold your breath during the exercises.
- Begin each exercise with the number of times listed. As each exercise becomes easier,
the number of consecutive times it is repeated should be increased by one repetition. Do
each exercise in sets of 10, progressing to a maximum of 50 repetitions unless otherwise
stated. Rest between sets.
- QUAD SETS: Lie flat on you back (on the bed) with the operated let out
straight. Tighten quadriceps muscle so that you knee cap moves up toward your hip. Your
heel should lift slightly. Hold this position for the count of 10. Relax. Do 2-3 sets of
10 repetitions 2-3 times a day.
- TERMINAL KNEE EXTENSION: (on the bed) Lie flat on your back. Place a
roll or support under the knee of the operated leg so that the knee is bent slightly.
Tighten the quadriceps muscle and straighten the leg as much as possible. Be sure to keep
the back of the knee in contact with the support. Hold this position for the count of 10.
Lower the leg and relax. Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions 2-3 times a day.
- ANKLE CIRCLES, PUMPS AND TOE CURLS: (on the bed) Lie flat on your back
with your legs out straight. Move your ankle up and down in a PUMPING MOTION. Then, move
your ankle in a CIRCULAR MOTION, clockwise and counterclockwise. Next, CURL YOUR TOES down
toward the ball of your foot and then straighten them by pulling them upward. Do 2-3 sets
of 10 repetitions 2-3 times a day.
- GLUTEAL SETS: (on the bed) Lie flat on your back with legs out straight
and arms comfortable at your side. Tighten your buttocks muscles by squeezing your seat
together. Your hip area should lift slightly. Hold this position for the count of 10.
Relax. Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions 2-3 times a day.
- HIP AND KNEE FLEXION: (on the bed) Lie flat on your back with legs out
straight. Slowly slide the heel of the operated leg up toward your seat so that your hip
bends a little more than halfway. Do this SLOWLY and CAREFULLY. Be sure you hip does not
bend more than 60 degrees unless otherwise told by you physical therapist or doctor.
Slowly slide your heel down until your leg is straight. Relax. Do 2-3 sets of 10
repetitions 2-3 times a day.
- ABDUCTION: (on the bed) Lie flat on your back with your legs straight.
Slide your leg out to the side and then back to the starting position. Relax. Remember to
keep your toes pointing straight to the ceiling. Be careful not to bring the operated leg
in too close to the un-operated leg. Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions 2-3 times a day.
Hip (I mean hope) I was helpful.
Linda B
available for sale.
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